Asian Healing Arts Center and herb garden on the lake.
About Us
Mission Statement
Everyone should have access to gentle and deeply relaxing traditional Asian Healing Arts.
We would like that our Center is..
- a center dedicated to the arts of healing and learning;
- a place where you can come to receive and learn useful tools which can assist you on your path of self-exploration, self-development and transformation;
- a place open to anyone who sincerely wishes to participate (as teacher or student), share of themselves, to share our dream and to offer from the Heart.
How we realize this…
- We actively support the disadvantaged thru the New Life Foundation with whom we share our proceeds
- We practice FAIR TRADE in our pricing for products.
- We pay a fair price to the small village producers who are not equipped for export and for whom we provide market access
- With our in-house designs and marketing, we strengthen our producers’ capacity in line with international market demands
- We have concern for people, for animals and for the environment
Top left : Herby (the cat) comforting Bobby (the dog) when he was in great pain before his passing,
Top Right : Cory performing non-invasive BIDORT diagnostics
The founder of New Life Foundation with friends and volunteers
Dr. Thanh Van Le (the founder of BIO-ENERGETICS) with 3 students (including Cory) in Bangkok, Thailand.
Asian Healing Arts Center volunteers helping villagers in Northern Thailand and many other friends we’ve met along the way..

Charity Work within the Thai Community
Volunteer Activities
If you are ready to help others in need, please join our volunteer work at the Asian Healing Arts.
- We want to make more free visits to hospitals, Senior homes, prisons and other places where people can benefit from our gentle healing arts.
- We have created an alliance with local/regional community organizations that work with special groups (for example AIDS/HIV programs, psychiatric hospitals, orphanages, etc.) where you can participate in meaningful activities such as treatments, classes, etc.
- We have initiated and are participating in various local educational activities such as scholarship fundraising for orphans and for people with a handicap. For more details, please see below…
- Every year, we give over 500 free ABET and Reiki sessions (and free Reiki trainings) to the underprivileged and needy Thai people in local hospitals, rehabilitation centers, elderly homes and villages in Chiangmai and Lamphun province.
Cory and volunteers giving free treatments to the elderly.
Volunteers treating patients at a psychiatric hospital.
Here is a picture taken in 2008 of a volonteer group going to the Cancer Hostel in Chiangmai.
We still go there once a month to give free Reiki sessions to cancer patients.
Charity Recognition
Also in 2008, Cory ‘s charity activities were recognised by the Thai government when she received the Volonteer Award by the Governor of Chiangmai.
Picture shows Cory with members of the
New Life Foundation Committee.
Sitting in the wheelchair with such a happy smile is the Foundation’s 88 year old President Khunying Buppan Nimmanhaemindha.

‘you can’t do that’, ‘you’re not clever enough’, ‘you’re too fat/thin’
‘you’ll never achieve that’, ‘that’s pie in the sky’…
Courses and Activities
- We want to host a variety of activities in Chiangmai that fit our mission statement.
- Facilities: our center is located 20km south of Chiangmai University on a nice piece of land where we grow and transform organic Thai herbs
- We continuously maintain and update our herbal organic garden to enable those who wish to learn and experience through hands-on gardening.
Our treatment and course fees are very reasonable considering the amount of time we spend with you. Therefore, any donations in time, material or finances to support any of these charitable activities are very much appreciated. We actively support the following organizations:
1.The New Life Foundation, under the patronage of H.R.H. The Princess Mother, Bhuthasathaan Building, 1 Tapeh Road, Chiangmai 50100.
We actively support this wonderful foundation with:
~ visits to their villages for free treatments of their physically or mentally handicapped inhabitants.
~ Scholarship Fund raising and distribution activities for the children of these very poor villagers. We want to keep these kids in schools…, and
~ We offer one free treatment to any donor who gives 2000 Bht (50 US$ or Euros) or more to this organization
For almost 60 years, this non-religious organisation has been taking care of some 4600 underprivileged Thais with a physical or mental handicap. The New Life Foundation also funds and manages 2 elderly homes and looks after their well being. These homes can accommodate 40 persons each.
Your tax-deductible donations are very welcome at a/c nr 501-280384-2 (Savings a/c) with Siam Commercial Bank, Tapaeh Road, Chiangmai 50100, Thailand. For international transfers, use Routing or SWIFT Code: SICO TH BK
Villagers of the New Life Foundation in Chiangdao
receiving blankets during the cold season
For more information on the
New Life Foundation click here.
2. The Northern Cancer Hostel : where over 40 poor Thai patients can stay during 1 to 2 months while undergoing cancer treatments in Chiangmai hospitals. We give free Reiki sessions and free trainings to all patients and their accompanying family members. The Northern Cancer Foundation of Thailand.
3. The Care For Dog Shelter (since 2005) which is now managed by WVS. At least once a month, we go and give free Reiki sessions to the 100+ dogs at this shelter.
4. The elderly villagers of Maekhanintai who receive free Reiki and other health sessions at least once a month.
Please contact us for more information about how you can donate your time or funds.
Last, but most certainly not the least is the love we share with our animals…
At present we enjoy the company of 3 beautiful dogs and 1 truly remarkable cat. With their unconditional love, they are an important part of our healing family as they help us to harmonize our lives…
and liven up our place….

Cory’s Message
I had a pretty ordinary life, I think…
I was born in Belgium over 60 years ago into a business family of a small town close to the Dutch-German border.
With 6 brothers and 3 sisters, we were raised to develop our business minds.
I studied languages and business management.
At the age of 28, after having worked in the private sector, I left Belgium to go and work for the Belgian government, at the Belgian Embassy in Malaysia and Cambodia.
I was the first woman Commercial Attache to ever be appointed in that Moslem country and this caused quite a stir.
I always thought of this job as being a matchmaker because I was mainly bringing Belgian and foreign companies together for their mutual benefits.
I thoroughly enjoyed this work and my life, day and night…
During the second 28 years of my life, I worked my heart out, first in Malaysia and then in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Burma.
In 1981, I had a serious holiday accident. I broke my back and became paralysed. This gave me a lot of time to reflect on my lifestyle and taught me to live life in a more moderate way.
In 1983, I moved to Bangkok where I continued to work for the Belgian government for another 12 years.
A friend in Bangkok called Lilly introduced me to Reiki and from then my life really changed. I thought that I was a business woman in body and mind and I certainly did not believe in “such things” like healing energies. More to appease her than anything else, I took a Reiki-1 course with Bill Shaw who was visiting Bangkok as a traveling Reiki teacher.
The very day I finished this training I called my friend Therese and her son told me that his mom could not come to the phone as she was in bed with a terrible back pain. So I went there, gave her my first Reiki session and she fell asleep. The next morning she called me to ask what I had done to her… because she never slept so well in her whole life (she was truly a bad sleeper) and she had no more back pain at all. We could both not believe it… but decided to continue with the Reiki training for the next 3 years.
A few years later, a friend called from the USA to tell me to go and see Dr Thanh Van Le who practiced Bio-Energetics, “a scientific approach to a new world of health” which combined several Asian Healing Arts. And so I went to meet this man..
After talking with Dr Le for many hours (asking him soooo many questions), he invited me to become his student. This changed my life again.
During the next 3 years, while I was working during the day, I studied with Dr Le in the evenings, every time he was visiting Bangkok.
I learned the basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine and how to use acupuncture techniques without acupuncture needles.
Eagerly, I started treating patients with these Asian Bio-Energetic Therapy (ABET) early mornings (from 5 to 8) and evenings (17 to 20.00), while I was still working during normal office hours.
I somehow found the time and energy to learn more about Meditation and specifically the walking Vipassana Meditation which I enjoyed a lot.
I also studied the Magnified Healing technique which has been given to us through Lady Master Kwan Yin, who is well known in China as the Goddess of Mercy, also called Mother of Compassion. This training included amongst others, a great meditation technique for empowerment.
In 1998, when I was 51 years old, I moved to Chiangmai to retire completely from business. I thought that I had enough money and that this would give me the opportunity to treat more patients… But when I arrived in Chiangmai, my goddaughter Franziska was suddenly diagnosed with a brain tumor. During the next six months, her mother and I were sitting at her hospital bedside, day and night, trying to help wherever we could with all the love and compassion we had for this young woman of 19. When I saw her slowly slipping away, I felt totally inadequate with all the wonderful healing therapies I had learned. Why could I not help Franziska when I could help so many other hopeless patients in Bangkok?
Six months later Franziska passed away very peacefully in her mother’s arms and in the company of her father, her 2 sisters and myself. This was truly a precious moment which I will cherish for the rest of my life…
Today, I have come to terms with the fact that I could not “heal” Franziska as I understand now, both mentally, emotionally and spiritually, that it was her time to go and that we do not “heal” another person. We facilitate homeostasis which helps the patient to heal him or herself.
In 2002, I started studying Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), its Foundations, Acupuncture, Herbs and Herbal preparations and their Prescriptions. As there are over 5000 herbs to cover, I know that I will have to continue to study this vast and exciting subject for the rest of my life and I already enjoy unraveling this challenge.
In 2008 – 2009, I attended three levels of Cranio Sacral Therapy trainings which are so wonderfully complementary to the deeply relaxing and non-invasive ABET and Reiki energy sessions, which we practice and teach.
Today, after over 20 years of intensely practicing and teaching these gentle Asian Healing Arts, I know that I can only do so much as the patient can accept, even though I would love to be able to help everyone.
But I do my best to convince the patients that with some minor life style changes (like not taking any cold drinks), major life quality improvements can be achieved.
I also know now that as practitioners, we should practice responsible selfishness or self-fullness by not overdoing things to enable us to keep our own bodies in harmony.
Today, the wonderful results of all these experiences have brought me closer to my Inner Self again. They fill me every time with awe, wonder and gratitude…
As I live now from a low governmental pension, my income may be less than 10% of the one I had during my business life, but I have come to realise that I am very rich in time, in energy and contentment.
I truly appreciate and enjoy the opportunity to practice and teach these powerful Asian Healing Arts.”
Christine’s Message
Christine OLIVARES – 48 years – France
In 1999, I made a trip to India where I met a sage who changed my life and my life’s objectives. By his teachings, he gave me the opportunity to understand better WHO I AM. He gave me the strength to learn to love myself, to open my mind and to make me think about what I want to do with my life.
One year later, I came to Thailand to visit a friend. He convinced me to stay for a while in Chiangmai where I saw a brochure about “Asian Bio Energetics” and how to take care of ourselves and others. I thought that this was interesting and so different from the other advertisements about “learning thai massage”.
So I made an appointment and met Cory Croymans. I was very impressed by the techniques she used. They looked so simple but so “convincing” at the same time, so different from what we see with the doctors in Europe. She made a diagnosis without using any machine and she did it so quickly ! After this Bio-Energetic treatment, Cory gave me a REIKI which felt very relaxing. On the way back to my guest house, I felt very good, so light and happy with myself, thinking “waow, this person is so nice !”.
After that, I decided to take the Bio-Energetics courses and I followed Cory to give free treatments in the mountain villages. I was so pleased to see the old people we met there, who were so happy with the treatments and especially with improving their well-being. At the same time, I got to know Cory better, seeing how she treated others with so much love. I thought : ”well, this person is really made for that!”
During the next three years, I studied intensively Asian Bio-Energetics, passed all the Reiki degrees and assisted in many treatments. Since then, I practice with Cory, both here in Thailand and in France. I still have so much to learn and I still feel like learning. I’m studying more about Traditional Chinese medicine now to combine our treatments with acupuncture and the complementary herbs which are so beneficial too !
From these experiences, I learned a lot about myself, about the way this incredible body machine works and how much we have to take care of it if we want to be happy with ourselves and with others. At the same time, by practicing these Asian Healing Arts, I felt closer to people, more compassionate, less thinking about myself, willing to improve more and more, yes.
All these years and experiences have brought me so many benefits that today, I feel like sharing this knowledge with others, giving treatments and giving people an alternative way to be healed, in a way that is accessible to one and all.
Amporn Boontan’s Message