Do you want to know what students felt about the ABET or Reiki trainings ?
ABET made a deep impression on me from the beginning when I came to Cory some years ago (2002).
After training with her I realized what a powerful diagnostic and therapeutic technique it is, which also combines well with other holistic therapies I use in my practice.
It is always amazing to see the natural vitality and strength of my clients returning even after a few treatments.
I have also made my own lifestyle changes and was honored to receive a teacher’s diploma in ABET.
Just recently I started my first course with two students.
I remain in close touch with Cory who is always ready with encouragement and professional advice.
Elly Anholt, ABET Teacher, Israel
e-mail: [email protected]
Cory teaches self-responsibility and ABET was the ‘missing link’ that I had been searching for to add to my repertoire of health/spa healing techniques.
ABET and Reiki were an inspiration for me and a valuable addition to not only my personal health routine, but also forms an integral component of my provided professional health services.
The original term of ‘spa’ was healing facilities, not only beauty/cosmetic luxury facilities that have propagated over the past few generations.
ABET and Reiki can be seamlessly integrated into today’s spa facilities so that healing can occur on a deeper level, assisting in obtaining the ‘wow factor’ that guests of today’s spa facilities expect.
I am privileged to have the opportunity to share this modality with others for a healthier world. I recommend Cory’s training to anybody looking to make a difference and get closer to Wellness, our natural state.
Angela Derks ND-Holistic Conscience,Six SensesSpas 2002-2007,
ABET and Reiki practitioner, Australia.
E-mail : [email protected].

The ABET system is a fascinating healing and diagnosis method.
I was amazed when I first saw it in action and using it blew my mind.
I use something from the course every day.
Tim Rogers, ABET and Reiki practitioner, USA.
E-mail : [email protected]
Knowledge is power
El haber aprendido ABET con Cory ha sido una herramienta invaluable en mi práctica diaria, y además de ayudarme en lo personal, estoy en una posición que me permite encontrar una solución a prácticamente cada problema que hasta la fecha he encontrado al ayudar a personas de todos los ámbitos en sus procesos de rehabilitación.
Es fantástico el poder mostrar a la gente la inutilidad de las drogas, y ésto es suficiente para querer aprender y aplicar ABET.
Pueden contactarme en [email protected]
Mauro Avalos, ABET practitioner, Mexico.

I do not want to say that before you take Cory’s class, you should prepare for a life-changing experience, because in my opinion, if you are already contemplating studying with her, you are definitely ready for that change!
I studied Reiki Master/Teacher course with Cory in 2006.
Although it has been almost 2 years, not a day goes by that I do not think of either the course, or Cory.
I studied other levels of Reiki in Japan as well as in Argentina and have sat in on Reiki courses in the States. None have compared to Cory’s classes.
Cory teaches the mechanics of Reiki very well and drills you until both she and yourself are confident with copious amounts of practice and applications, including cancer hostels, psychiatric clinics, villagers etc..
However, I found that most importantly Cory teaches, not by book but by example in how to incorporate Reiki and values into your everyday life, which she instilled in me that is still apart of me today.
Her passion for Reiki and ABET is so strong that that in itself motivates you to become such a wonderful nurturing person as Cory. She shows you how simple and effortless it is how to positively effect and touch other people. Presently, I am in living in south Florida and practicing Reiki.
It is very flattering that whenever I speak with other Reiki practitioners and we discuss our studies, they are very impressed over my coursework with Cory and her well developed course. In turn, I strive to treat and encourage everyone that I meet as Cory has done for me.
Finally, Cory is not only a teacher but she makes you a part of her family. She is warm, caring, open-minded, very funny, beyond supportive, and someone that I urge everyone to get to know.
Even though my class finished 2 years ago, we are still in contact whether it be by receiving Reiki news, life news, or just catching up. Sometimes you just know and I know that Cory will always be in my life.
I urge you to take the time out of your busy life and spend a few weeks in beautiful Chiangmai, Thailand and allow yourself to become a little closer to that person you are striving to be.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected], or call me directly +1-216-280-0021.
Todd Bruell, Reiki Master Teacher, USA
The Reiki Masters (RM) training has been one of the one transformative experiences of my life. It is only really and truly after 18 months that I could reflect on the level and growth of the experience that I have understood so far.
The ART and Reiki Masters course (RM) has really enabled me to appreciate the continuing journey of self growth through the compassionate love of Reiki. It was a really intensive course for me and I found it very difficult to part company with you.
During that month long training, I was able to experience a deep level of teaching that was both considerate and enlightening. It feels like I am continuing to live this on a daily basis learning more about myself the environment and the application of Reiki through a number of mediums. The RM course opened up a diversity of training potentials for me and has enabled me to really incorporate Reiki into my work, and spirituality.
It is in the most classical sense a true odyssey.
The level and depth of the course was absolutely amazing, the opportunity for supervision and practice was well balanced and enabled me to develop a real understanding of the depth of the journey and my relative position to it.
I feel very gifted and blessed to have learn’t such a wide variation of different techniques ranging from qi-gong exercises to meditation, initiations and discussions on a variety of subjects.
It was really important for me to have the
supervised practice as this has enabled me to develop hand in hand with a very caring and gifted teacher.
When things happen as they did for me one really
has to search for words to explain the feeling of gratitude and magic in their heart!
Thank you Cory. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to do my Reiki Teachers Training course with you.
Before I met you I lacked the natural confidence to do many of the aspects of teaching and training with others and now I feel peace and a feeling of humble excitement to teach and share Reiki with groups or one on one.
This transformation in my ability and my feelings of gratitude is the affect of not only how you teach but the virtues and character you embody. When I sat on the other side of your den I could feel the presence of wisdom – an owl appears – and my heart opened naturally in the peace that surrounded me.
Having the opportunity to intimately go through all aspects of Reiki and teaching and being able to practice with other students and ‘patients’ you empowered me so that I embodied the knowledge naturally – so that I could truly pass it forward. You continue to inspire me with the way in which Reiki is every aspect of experience in your life and dearly through the special care you give to all especially those in great need.
The gift of being able to study with you is a grace my heart(mind) and experience will forever
bathe to be in. Moving beyond thank you.
Reiki Master Teacher Erin Dixon, Skeleton Lake, Canada
E-mail : [email protected]

I can easily say that learning Reiki under Cory has been the single most transformative venture of my life!
First, Cory introduced me to Reiki by helping me heal through an extremely alcoholic period. I had been drinking
2-3 fifths of 45% rum each and every day for months, 8 to be exact. That’s 1-2 bottles per day more than I had drank for the previous 14 years. After 4 treatments with Cory I stopped drinking completely.
Afterwards and to this day, I drink if I want, maybe about 10 times per year. I have no problem whatsoever with addiction anymore. I usually refrain however, as the feeling of being drunk is much less appealing to me now, and the hangover invariably is uncomfortable.
This profound healing of course inspired me to learn Reiki for myself : ) Over the years I have studied up to Reiki Master/Teacher with Cory. I would also love to study Asian Bio-Energetics with her. If only I lived in wonderful Chiang Mai still :'(
My Reiki practice also opened my mind to the myriad of possibilities and has lead me to many other sources of healing. I can’t imagine life without it. There really, truly is no amount of money worth selling it for! Thank you Cory : )
Your Faithful Student,
Michael Matweyou III, Reiki Master Teacher, Vietnam
E-mail [email protected]
One of several compelling aspects of Cory’s courses is participating in the various volunteer projects she has set up. These projects provide free Reiki and ABET sessions to neglected, overlooked, and indigent people in and around Chiangmai.
Not only does this give students a great opportunity to practice and gain experience using their newly acquired skills, but it also makes treatment available to people who need and appreciate any help or benefits they are offered.
Students get to hone their skills;
patients gratefully receive free treatments
– a clear win/win situation.
“Elizabeth” E-mail : [email protected]
Knowledge is power

Although I was attuned to Reiki I and II in 1999 in the UK, it was only in 2007 that I was attuned to Reiki Master Teacher by Cory in Chiangmai.
There was always a glow and warmth in Cory’s classes.
The lessons and practices are taught with a good peppering of discussions and laughter. And Reiki with Cory doesn’t end there. One of my biggest joys during the course was the opportunity to practice Reiki in the community, where the whole class and other Reiki practitioners trooped along to the cancer Hostel and Mental Health Rehabilitation Home.
The patients always waited eagerly for us and to see and be part of a whole ward of patients receiving Reiki was powerful. Cory keeps in touch with newsletters and replies to my emails with advice, hope, gentleness and humour.
There is uniqueness in Cory’s Reiki courses that reminds me that Reiki is part of living.
I now give Reiki treatment and training both in Bangkok and the UK.
Lucia Victor Jayaseelan
Email: [email protected]
I use Reiki every day and it was the best thing I have ever done.
It has totally changed my life, beyond my understanding.
It is as if I have lived twice as two different people,
one before Reiki and one afterwards.
I have plenty to add but if I did, I would go on forever
listing the benefits and self improvements
but I don’t think you website is big enough!
Liz Lovett, (2010)
British Reiki Teacher in Spain, E-mail :[email protected]

Ik heb met volle teugen genoten van mijn verblijf,
het buitenleven en de mensen in Thailand.
De drie weken reikiles die ik bij jou volgde was voor mij het toetje bij de maaltijd.
Ik trof het dat ik de cursus samen kon doen met Graziella,
die ik waardeer als een fijne persoonlijkheid en collegacursist.
Voel dit als een meerwaarde.
Behalve praktische toepassingsmogelijkheden,
heeft de opgestoken kennis me van binnen geraakt.
Een geestelijke verrijking en verandering werd in gang gezet die doorwerkt.
Bedankt voor jouw stimulerende en inzichtgevende manier van kennisoverdracht!!!
Ik voel dat ik ben veranderd. Ga daar veel profijt van hebben.
Ben er blij mee.
Lieve groet,
Ben Uittenbroek 2012
E-mail : [email protected]
Translation :
I fully enjoyed my stay, the outdoor living and the people of Thailand.
The three-week Reiki training with you was the perfect finish.
I was so lucky to attend this training together with Graziela, whom I appreciate as a fine personality and training colleague which added even more value to my training.
The practical applications were great, but the knowledge gained touched my heart.
A spiritual enrichment and transformation were started and they are still working.
Thanks for your stimulating and insightful way of transferring that knowledge!!!
I feel that I have changed.
I will continue to benefit from this and am very happy with it.
Kind regards,
Ben Uittenbroek 2012
E-mail : [email protected]
The amazing treatment of ABET has not only helped me on my own path of healing but it has come into my life to be of incredible help to others.
I first came across ABET six years ago, when no other doctor could help me anymore and we did not even know where all my terrible symptoms came from.
After my first session with Cory and ABET, I felt like I was back in my physical body and life had returned to me !!
After 3 treatments I was totally recuperated and I always knew that if I do want to practise any healing techniques, ABET will be the one. And so years later (in 2011) after successfully treating people with Reiki (for which I also trained with Cory) I came back to Thailand and took the 6 weeks intensive ABET course with Cory to deepen the art of healing.
It is just wonderful to see pain disappear on peoples faces after a treatment session.
I am grateful to know and use the ABET techniques and tools and to be able and help people reconnect to their healing abilities and guide them on their way of re-gaining health – mentally, emotionally and spiritually-
For anybody interested in learning more about how to heal yourself and others through an Asian approach – I can highly recommend the studies of the ABET Healing Technique with the inspirational – compassionate Cory Croymans – It is a true life transformational course
Yvonne Guenther, ABET and Reiki Practitioner and Yoga Teacher, Playa del Carmen Mexico.
E-mail : [email protected]
Knowledge is power

I am unable to thank you for my best year in all my life which I spent in Thailand.
Thank you a lot for all your advices, patience, kindness and the life changing transformations.
God bless you!!
Waled Bahssen (2011)
Reiki Teacher from Yemen living in Norway, E-mail : [email protected]
Le Vendredi 17 juillet 2015 16h17, Delphine Dubois <[email protected]> a écrit :
Un grand merci encore a Amporn et vous pour tout ce que vous m’avez apporte.
J’etais un peu perplexe le dimanche en arrivant de passer deux semaines chez vous sans savoir si cela vaudrait l’investissement…
Et je ne regrette vraiment rien!
Ce n’est pas une porte qui s’est ouverte, c’est cinq… Et rien n’arrive par hasard.
Felicitations pour votre generosite, votre energie a avoir mis tout ca en place et pour vos parcours.
C’est inspirant.
Je vous souhaite bonne continuation, bien que nous aurons encore probablement l’occasion de nous lire…
Au plaisir,
Delphine Dubois, Cambodia July 2015.

Thank you Cory.
Thank you for all your love, exactitude and good energy you put in our class for these 7 weeks.
You know it made me feel grounded back again here (even if I’ll still have some work to do about that:)
For the first time, the learning was passionate and I feel like each set of information that you gave us was like a door for me to receive my own knowledge.
Also because you know how to use the right key for each student and I think that’s brilliant.
I ordered 3 rice soups for our morning breakfast sluuuuuurrppp 🙂
And we’ll go for lunch at the Thai restaurant you took us to, so I can use your list of dishes to order .
Have a great day
Alice Mazo 22 Feb 2015
21 Feb 2015
Dear Cory
Thank you for all these wonderful moments we passed all together
Thank you for all your knowledge so precious that i m proud to keep use and share to all needs to be healed and wants to find the cause of their pains
Thank you to help us with no judgement and push on to correct ourself to take, save and give this wonderful energy we have now flooding in our body
And Finally Thank you for your great heart and love that gives us more than we were looking for
I wish the best and more
Have a wonderful week end
Best Regards
Patrick Vincent
Cambodia, Siem Reap +855 (0) 89 84 57 70
Knowledge is power

Ik heb met volle teugen genoten van mijn verblijf,
het buitenleven en de mensen in Thailand.
De drie weken reikiles die ik bij jou volgde was voor mij het toetje bij de maaltijd.
Ik trof het dat ik de cursus samen kon doen met Graziella,
die ik waardeer als een fijne persoonlijkheid en collegacursist.
Voel dit als een meerwaarde.
Behalve praktische toepassingsmogelijkheden,
heeft de opgestoken kennis me van binnen geraakt.
Een geestelijke verrijking en verandering werd in gang gezet die doorwerkt.
Bedankt voor jouw stimulerende en inzichtgevende manier van kennisoverdracht!!!
Ik voel dat ik ben veranderd. Ga daar veel profijt van hebben.
Ben er blij mee.
Lieve groet,
Ben Uittenbroek 2012, E-mail : [email protected]
Translation :
I fully enjoyed my stay, the outdoor living and the people of Thailand.
The three-week Reiki training with you was the perfect finish.
I was so lucky to attend this training together with Graziela, whom I appreciate as a fine personality and training colleague which added even more value to my training.
The practical applications were great, but the knowledge gained touched my heart.
A spiritual enrichment and transformation were started and they are still working.
Thanks for your stimulating and insightful way of transferring that knowledge!!!
I feel that I have changed.
I will continue to benefit from this and am very happy with it.
Kind regards,
Ben Uittenbroek 2012
E-mail : [email protected]
Die unglaubliche Behandlung von ABET hat mir nicht nur auf meinem eigenen Weg der Heilung geholfen, sondern ist in mein Leben getreten, um auch anderen damit eine Hilfe zu sein.
Ich kam vor sechs Jahren zum ersten Mal mit ABET in Kontakt, als kein anderer Arzt mir helfen konnte und wir nicht einmal wussten, wo die Ursache meiner Symptome herkam und was damit machen. Nach meiner ersten Sitzung mit Cory und ABET, fühlte ich mich wie neugeboren und hatte das Gefühl wieder einen Körper zu besitzen-
Nach 3 Behandlungen war ich wieder total gesund und neu “hergestellt” – Ich wusste damals schon dass, wenn ich jemals eine Art von Heilmethoden erlenen möchte dann ist es die effektive und alternative Methode von ABET . Und so Jahre später (2011) nach dem ich erfolgreich mit Reiki (welches ich auch bei Cory erlernt hatte) gearbeitet habe und auch vielen damit helfen konnte kam die Zeit nach Thailand zurück zu kehren. Ich nahm an dem 6 Wochen Intensivkurs ABET teil -natürlich mit Cory, um die Kunst des Heilens zu vertiefen.
Es ist einfach wunderbar zu beobachten, wie die Schmerzen auf den Gesichter der Patienten nach einer Behandlung schwinden. Ich bin dankbar, mit ABET anderen Menschen helfen zu können, Ihre Heilungsfähigkeiten wieder herzustellen und Sie auf ihren Weg der Gesundheit (geistig / emotional und spirituell -) zurück führen zu können.
Für alle, die mehr darüber wissen möchten, wie man sich selbst und anderen durch einen asiatischen oxidentalen Ansatz helfen und heilen kann – empfehle ich sehr die Heilmethode von ABET mit der inspirierenden Cory Croymans zu erlernen – Es ist ein wahres transformierendes Erlebnis.
Yvonne Günther , ABET und Reiki und Yoga Teacher , Playa del Carmen Mexico

I am unable to thank you for my best year in all my life which I spent in Thailand.
Thank you a lot for all your advices, patience, kindness and the life changing transformations.
God bless you!!
Waled Bahssen (2011)
Reiki Teacher from Yemen living in Norway,
E-mail : [email protected]
Comments In Thai language from Tee Sethratanapong, ABET practitioner and Reiki Master 2008, Bangkok, Thailand. E-mail : <[email protected]> – click here to read as pdf.