BAMBOO – Bambusa Vulgaris – Botanical Information There are many species of bamboo, with some being specific to certain countries like China or Japan. Technically speaking, bamboo is a grass. Some species grow only 30cm (a foot) in height while others grow over 30 meters (100 feet. Some are more delicate, while others are sturdy, woody grasses that can be made into furniture and flooring.
The leaves of certain bamboo plants have been used in traditional medicine.
Tender bamboo “shoots” are found in Asian culinary dishes.
Aromatherapy : Extracts from bamboo have been used as fragrances as well as body or skin care products.
Antioxidant Properties : A study published in the Chinese journal “Guang Pu Xue Yu Guang Pu Fen Xi” in February 2010, discovered the free radical scavenging capacity of bamboo extracts. Dr. Guo and colleagues discovered that certain red compounds in the extract have the capacity to counteract free radical damage, suggesting that bamboo could potentially be used as an antioxidant. More data is needed, however; ask your doctor about bamboo extracts before using.
Cancer Benefits One particular bamboo, Kumaizasa bamboo found in Hokkaido, Japan, has been used in traditional healing for thousands of years. Recently two researchers from Tojo University in Japan discovered that extracts from Kumaizasa bamboo may have anti-cancer properties. Published in the journal “Anticancer Research” in January 2010, Drs. Seki and Maeda found that in mice with tumors, extracts of the bamboo inhibited growth of cancer cells. They also concluded that bamboo extracts prolonged life in the mice. These findings are promising, although more data will be needed before bamboo extract can be considered a treatment or prevention for cancer.
Inflammation Bambusae caulis has been used as an anti-inflammatory remedy in Asia, states an article published in the “Journal of Ethnopharmacology” in March 2010. The study was conducted at Kyung Hee University in Seoul, Korea with the aim of testing the validity of the plant’s medicinal use for asthma. Dr. J. Ra and colleagues found that extracts of Bambusae caulis reduced inflammation in airways. The herb also lowered levels of T helper 2 lymphocyte cells, which are associated with allergic reactions. Talk to your doctor before using bamboo extracts for allergic inflammation.
Cautions One report cites bamboo’s potential to cause miscarriage. In Nigeria, Bambusa vulgaris leaves were used in traditional medicine to abort pregnancies. A study conducted by Dr. Yakubu and Dr. Bukoye in Nigeria investigated the plant for its abortive properties. The study, published in the journal “Conception” in September 2009, found that specific doses of the herb decreased the number of fetuses in rabbits. It also noted important hormonal fluctuations, which may have contributed to the loss of fetuses.
Do not use if you are allergic to bamboo. If a rash or sensitivity develops, discontinue use and consult a physician.
Properties Because of its cooling and hydrating properties, Bamboo brings natural support to your dry and sensitive skin. Bamboo contains Silicea which will make your skin feel naturally soft, silky and mat. It purifies mixed and acneic skins
For you hair, Bamboo will reminéralise and regenerate, repair and tonify your hair while also making damaged and thin hair more souple.

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