Our first Basic Medicinal Mushrooms seminar has just finished with lots of fun hands-on activities.
WE are very pleased to have beautiful students who had fun in all activities and enjoy our class.
We would like to thank all of you, without you this beautiful class will never have been happened.
Some never look at the ground while walking in the forest.
Some never enjoy walking in the forest.
Some just walk past many things in the forest.
Some will walk with their loved ones and look for many more things and MUSHROOMS after attending our seminar.
We would love to see more
We would love to spread our knowledge of medicinal mushrooms to let more people know about it.
Mushroom is not just good for plant-based food, it can be many more things to support us to have good health.
We also want to Honor and thank you our beloved teachers.
-Prof.Dr.Anon Auetragul at Thaibiotec Mushroom our first teacher in Medicinal mushrooms in our life, who contribute his life to mushrooms and Thai agriculture.
-Prof. Paul Stamets our Medicinal Mushrooms teacher who contributes his life to mushrooms, bees, and every life.
-Miss Cory Croymans, our energy teacher who contribute her energy to support every life with long time mushrooms inspiration
If you want to learn more about the benefit of Medicinal Mushrooms and can practice in your daily life
Next Basic Medicinal Mushrooms Seminars schedule :
16-17 September (Sat-Sun)
14-15 October (Sat-Sun)
6-7 December (Wed-Thu)
Link for the Basic MM Seminar: https://1drv.ms/w/s!AqZaV6FWNSLcnp8ratZayvWQio2gag
Look at that Lion’s Mane MM All these MM are so delicious
Practice makes perfect
Making Vitamin D with the help of the sun…
If you want to learn more about the benefit of Medicinal Mushrooms and can practice in your daily life
Next Basic Medicinal Mushrooms Seminars schedule :
16-17 September (Sat-Sun)
14-15 October (Sat-Sun)
6-7 December (Wed-Thu)
Link for the Basic MM Seminar: https://1drv.ms/w/s!AqZaV6FWNSLcnp8ratZayvWQio2gag
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