– Step 1: Soak the feet. Boil 2 liters of water
Prepare your herbs: either fresh herbs or 1 or 2 caps of Hydrosol in a bowl. Pour the warm water in the bowl. Let cool to comfortable temperature. Soak feet and/or hands for 30 minutes.
– Step 2: Buff and Moisturize
Buff out calluses and other rough skin spots on your feet with a pumice stone or file. Massage a bit of coconut oil or lotion to nourish your feet. Especially on those dry spots.
– Step 3: Protect : After your oil has soaked in a bit, cover the problem areas of your feet with a pair of socks to keep the oil longer.
HOW OFTEN ? 2 or 3x per week, or more if needed and appreciated… Let your feet do the work while you watch TV !
HEADACHES? Do a warm footbath because putting your feet in hot water, draws excess blood down. When someone has a headache, there is often congested blood in the head. So putting the feet in warm water, brings the blood down to the feet.
After 5 to 10 minutes, add a bit more hot water.
You can also put a cold towel on the head or sit on a cold pack to cool down the genital area.
Massage the neck massage to relieve the tension there which could have contributed to it.
It takes care and efforts to get the bucket, towel, hot water, and ice water. Most people would just take a painkiller…
That’s why people veered away from natural remedies because they do take a bit of care, effort and time. But it is all worth it…
1. MOXA aka Mugwort: used in TCM, to treat and prevent disease, contains high magnesium which together with its borneol relieves muscle aches and pains.
Use for painful joints & soft tissues, reduce swelling, pains, stop itchy insect bites, discharge pus, stop cough, asthma + bleeding, to detox physically and mentally.
2. Lemongrass : acne (oily skin) cholesterol, liver fat, uric acid (Gout), Prostate enlarged, uterus tumors+cysts, mental fatigue, anxiety, allergy, asthma, fever, athlete’s foot, angina pectoris, muscle cramps, bacteria, virus, arthritis+rheuma, bladder infection, cough, mucus, chest congestion, bronchitis, ringworm.
Digestion: nausea, ulcer, diarrhea, constipation, no appetite, flatulence, heartburn, bloating.
3. Citronella : Bug repellent (prevent + cure bites), + also for lice, antiseptic + deodorant (air +skin), oily skin, calms dogs (less barking), intestinal parasites, fevers, colds, digestive ailments, excessive sweating, appetite control. Pain: rheumatism, arthritis, tendinitis, headaches, menstrual pains. Anti-fungal and anti-bacterial.
4. Makrud/Kaffir Lime/Bergamot : Its benefits go far beyond its uplifting fragrance and include stress relief, mood boosting, pain relief and more. Some claim that its anxiety-relieving benefits parallel that of conventional drugs!
To detox, drink 1 cap to 1 liter of water/tea/juice, during 21 days. Best early morning + evenings.
To regain energy, detox liver, blood + body, nourish + clean hair (add to shampoo) + skin (pimples), lighten, clear + tighten skin, deodorant, antioxidant, regulates menstruation + blood pressure, relieve pain, colds, congestion + cough, flatulence (heavy meals), anxiety, stress, insomnia (sedative), cancer prevention, used in traditional TTM Thai herbal compresses. Also to clean floors, windows, walls, clothes (rinse)
Ginger : Used for nausea, ulcers, pains, bruises, insect bites, respiratory problems (cough, bronchitis), flatulence dental abscess, muscle warming, sexual tiredness, constipation, spasms, fungus, MSG allergy, inflammation, jetlag, and facial tonic.
5. Galangal : Used for fatigue, improve circulation + joint and muscle stiffness, (rheumatism, arthritis), relax muscles, healthier brain, fight depression, better digestion of intestinal fats, flatulence, colic, upset stomachs, diarrhea, vomiting, sperm count, stop hiccups, motion / travel sickness, skin problems + cholera, Respiration : bronchitis, asthma + flu. Better mood + sleep, gallbladder infections.
6. Plai : Used for joint pain (Gout, Arthritis),muscle cramps, bruises, inflammations, acne, itchy insect bites, cough, respiratory conditions (asthma), skin cleaning, indigestion, muscle relaxant (Diclofenac), Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory/rheuma/bacterial.
7. Eucalyptus : For energy, prevent colds, ease breathing, soothe tired muscles + joints, repel insects, head clearing and calming, for better concentration. Use for: arthritis, asthma, burns, bronchitis, catarrh, colds and flu, coughs, cuts, cystitis, diarrhea, fever, exhaustion, fluid retention, headaches, herpes, inflammation, kidney infection + stones, laryngitis, measles, mood swings, nervous disorders, neuralgia, rheumatism, rhinitis, sinusitis, sprains and strains, stiffness, throat infections, urinary infections.
8. Plantain: Antiseptic and antibacterial to help clean wounds, vulnerary to help promote healing, cooling and drying for hot infections or wounds.
9. Rose Petals: High in lovely scented volatile oils, and very cooling and astringent, rose is also great for helping support the nervous system by providing some heart-softening energetics.
10. Calendula flowers : very anti-inflammatory and vulnerary, promoting skin healing, antibacterial, piles (haemorrhoids).
11. Doing this footbath before bed is best for you!
Or, let the herbs work for you while you are watching TV…
EO? If you want to use Essential oils, dilute 2 drops first in a spoon of liquid soap before adding them to the footbath.
HY? 2 caps of Hydrosols can be added directly to the footbath
HOW OFTEN ? 2 to 3x per week, or more if needed and appreciated…
HEADACHES? Do a warm footbath because putting your feet in hot water, draws excess blood down.
When someone has a headache, there is often congested blood in the head. So putting the feet in hot water, brings the blood down to the feet. After 10 minutes, add a bit more hot water.
You can also put a cold towel on their head or cold pack on the genital area. Do a bit of neck massage to relieve the tension there which could have contributed to it.
It takes care and efforts to get the bucket, towel, hot water, and ice water. Most people would just take a painkiller…
That’s why people veered away from natural remedies because they do take a bit of care, effort and time. But it is all worth the effort…
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