During the past 25 years, I have been wearing clothes made with natural fibers like (organic) Hemp, Linen, Silk, Cotton and Bamboo.
These even included bamboo and hemp socks which are especially wonderful in Thailand’s high temperature and humidity.
Even though Hemp clothes may not be as soft on the skin as silk or bamboo, they are still very comfortable and most durable. I have pants that are over 20 years old and still wonderful to wear as the cloth became a bit softer.
In 2003, dr Heidi Yellen studied the frequencies of fabric.
According to this study, the human body has a signature frequency of 100, and organic cotton is also the same.
If the number is lower than 100, it puts a strain on the body.
A diseased, nearly dead person has a frequency of about 15, and that is where polyester, rayon, and silk register.
Non-organic cotton registers a signature frequency of about 70.
If the fabric has a higher frequency, it gives energy to the body.
This is where linen comes in as a super-fabric. Its frequency is 5,000. Wool is also 5,000, but when mixed together with linen, the frequencies cancel each other out and fall to zero.
Even wearing a wool sweater on top of a linen outfit in a study collapsed the electrical field. The reason for this could be that the energy field of wool flows from left to right, while that of linen flows in the opposite direction, from right to left.
Note : Linen bandages were used by our ancestors.
The Frequency Of Hemp, Linen and Sustainable Fabrics For Your Health 03.31.23 / the Journey /
In 2003, Dr Heidi Yellen, studied the frequencies of fabric because she was curious about why the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible) claim you should wear certain fabrics above others, and mentions not to wear wool and linen together. This study had some interesting (and not surprising to us) metrics.
How did they do the study?
The scientific frequency measurements were done in angstroms (m), using a digital instrument called an Ag-Environ machine. It was designed by a retired professor to analyze the signature frequencies of agricultural commodities to help farmers determine the right time to harvest or plant
According to the machine, the human body has a frequency of 70-100m (in people with illness that drops below 50m).
Dr Yellen’s premise was that any fabric that has a higher frequency
than that is beneficial to humans, and any fabric with a lower frequency causes or increases illness.
What fabrics have a high frequency?
1) Linen and Wool : Dr Yellen’s studies showed that both had a frequency of 5000. That’s a lotta frequency boosting power. Strangely when a body wore both Linen and Wool at the same time, the frequency went to zero. This was the reference in the Torah that sparked the entire study: it says not to wear linen with wool.
2) Organic cotton is neutral (or beneficial depending on illness levels).
The perfect blending material for other fabrics, organic cotton came in at 100, pretty much in tune with the human body. However organic cotton matters. Standard bleached cotton measured at 40.
3) Silk : the frequency of silk fabric measured 10 maybe because of modern processes. Silk used to be processed naturally (as something processed from a tiny worm and spun into enormous swathes of fabric can be). but modern processes use chemicals, and it isn’t sustainable enough to make the cut for us.
4) Rayon 15 : Rayon and viscose, which is a process that uses mulched fibres, but also needs chemicals to break down, measured got a dismal frequency rating.
5) Polyester, acrylic, spandex, lycra, viscose and nylon measure 0. Yup, a solid zero! Basically stay away.
Also these fabrics are truly dreadful for the environment, can make you smell worse, and trap the heat (or cold), whereas natural fabrics are thermal regulating, and delicious no matter the weather.
What about hemp, is it good for your health?
While many internet articles claim that “hemp has a lower frequency than linen”, I couldn’t find any reference to Dr Yellen measuring hemp.
But when you compare linen to hemp it has so many of the properties of linen that it would be the same!
-Like Linen, Hemp carries no static charge. So, it’s grounding to wear it.
-Linen is strong, but Hemp is even stronger! Hemp is the most durable of natural fibers: 3.3 times more durable than cotton. The long life of hemp means that if everyone wore it, we could reduce by one third the resources needed to clothe the planet.
-Linen and Hemp are UV resistant.
-Linen and hemp are bacteria and mold resistant.
What are the pros of hemp vs linen?
-Hemp is FAR more sustainable. It’s the most environmentally friendly plant :
It’s so green it’s carbon negative strongest natural fibre
-pesticide free fast growing
-enriches the soil it is grown in used for thousands of years
-Linen, while natural, is made from the flax plant, needs more water and depletes the soil. We also love linen, but we prefer hemp for a reason.
So what should you do?
See what is most important to you.
If you are all about sustainability, then you can simply buy any bamboo, organic cotton, and hemp clothing and feel good about your footprint.
If vibes are more your thing, then you can choose hemp products, including hemp and organic cotton knits, to keep your frequency high!
We wouldn’t worry about it too much, Dr Yellen also believes wearing black is going to slowly suck the life out of you…
But it is measurable just how much better sustainable fabrics and processes are for the planet, so when in doubt choose green, and stay high in other ways.
Sources :
Stories - Nomads Hemp Wear
Stories – Nomads Hemp Wear